
Customer Story 2 Fresh: Successfully Introducing a Life Science Device to Central Europe

Written by Felicia | May 30, 2024

Entering a new market is always challenging, especially in the life sciences field. For 2 Fresh Finland Oy, launching a niche device in Central Europe seemed daunting. Thankfully, partnering with Export Maker turned this challenge into a successful venture. Here’s how we helped them achieve their goals.

Facing Initial Challenges

Before partnering with Export Maker, 2 Fresh had no contacts or knowledge about potential customers in Central Europe. Finding local customers was already hard, so they knew they needed help to expand into a foreign market.

2 Fresh discovered Export Maker through the KV-Valmius project. During this programme, Juha Lahtinen (CEO, Export Maker) gave lectures and held one-on-one meetings. His expertise and insights convinced 2 Fresh that Export Maker was the right choice for their needs.

Smooth Implementation and Surpassing Expectations

“From the first meeting, Export Maker showed a deep understanding of our complex product and the specific market we were targeting. Their local experts gave us valuable advice, helping us focus on the right customer group. This guidance was crucial as we prepared to introduce our device in Central Europe” Niklas mentions (Product Manager, 2 Fresh).

The main goal was to set up meetings with potential customers. “Export Maker not only met this goal but exceeded it by creating real connections and cooperation opportunities, especially in Germany.” These connections were more than just meetings—they were the start of promising business relationships.

Achieving Real Results and Improving Daily Operations

Since working with Export Maker, 2 Fresh has stayed in touch with the potential customers in Germany and are on track to deliver their first product to them. This is a significant step in their international expansion.

“Export Maker’s expert advice helped us understand what potential customers in Central Europe are interested in. This allowed us to narrow our focus and tailor our products more effectively, improving our daily operations.”

By identifying the right customers and focusing on their needs, 2 Fresh has been able to better tailor their products. This has led to increased customer satisfaction and positive feedback.

Excellent Support and Communication

“We highly recommend Export Maker to any business considering their services. Their representatives and experts have a deep understanding of the market and new technologies. Their local expertise provides crucial insights, ensuring a thorough understanding of the target market” Niklas says.

“One standout example of Export Maker’s value is their ability to connect us with the right people. Their precision in matching us with the most relevant contacts was key to our success.”

“Throughout our partnership, Export Maker’s support and communication were excellent. They kept us well-informed without overwhelming us and ensured that all milestones were met on time.”

The contact lists generated by Export Maker will continue to benefit 2 Fresh in the future, laying a solid foundation for ongoing growth and international expansion.

Leveraging Tempo Financing

This project was supported by Business Finland's Tempo financing, which helps start-ups, SMEs, and midcap companies grow quickly and enter international markets. Tempo financing is a great tool for companies looking to develop their business without a large financial risk. It supports market research, product development, and opening new markets. We encourage other Finnish companies with innovative products and strong growth visions to consider this valuable resource.

“In conclusion, Export Maker was crucial in our successful entry into the Central European market. Their expertise, guidance, and support helped us achieve our goals. We look forward to continued collaboration and growth with Export Maker as a key partner. — The right people for the right job.”

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Read more about Tempo financing here.